Thursday, 28 January 2010

Tax on unused electricity production sites

Wednesday, minister Magnette responded to several questions relating to the tax (or levy) on the unused sites suitable for electricity production. This tax was established by the Act of 8 December 2006 and is levied on all plots of land on which a production installation with a capacity of 400 MW (gas fired), 250 MW (coal or biomass fired) or 250 MW (CHP) can be build. All existing unused sites are property of Electrabel. Aim of the Act was to incite Electrabel to sell these sites to competitors. Notwithstanding the fact that the amount of tax was 51,150,000 EUR (yearly) in 2006, 2007 and 2008, and 67,500,000 EUR/Year in 2009, Electrabel only sold one such site to E.ON. All others are still its property.

Electrabel unsuccessfully challenged the legality of the Act of 2006 before the Constitutional Court. It also challenged the amounts to be paid before the court of first instance in Brussels claiming that most of the sites do not fall under the conditions of the Act of 2006.

The minister declared that he is waiting for the judgment of the court before starting discussions with Electrabel on the compliance with the provisions of the Act.

Gas Code of Conduct

The publication of the new gas Code of Conduct proposed by the CREG in July 2009 and replacing the one of 12 June 2001, is delayed due to the consultation of the Regions. In response to a parliamentary question, minister Magnette stated that the consultation of the Regions is almost finished. The draft Code of Conduct will then be subject of approval by the federal governement, following advices of the Finance Inspection and of the Council of State. Magnette concluded that the text will be published within a foreseeable future.

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Carbon trading and pottholes

E2LawBlog (published by Greenberg Traurig) refers to an article in The Guardian in which this UK newspaper writes that "Banks are pulling out of the carbon-offsetting market after Copenhagen failed to reach agreement on emissions targets".

The post on E2LawBlog
The article in The Guardian

Monday, 25 January 2010

New rules for transit of natural gas through Belgium

The Commission for economical affairs of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives has adopted rules regarding transit of natural gas in Belgium.

Following the infringement procedure initiated by the European Commission, the new text makes no longer any tarifary distinction between internal transport and border to border transport.

With regard to the historical contracts, the new act abolishes the interpretation given by the act of 10 March 2009 but, correctly, safeguards the protection of historical transit contracts until the final implementation date of Directive 2009/73/EG, 3 March 2011.


Saturday, 2 January 2010

Climate change

A wonderful photo essay on climate change by Magnum Photos.

Friday, 1 January 2010

Happy New Year

Happy New Year and Best Wishes!